Our Mission

Coldwater Assembly of God upholds the Assemblies of God Kansas District's mission to make Kansas the easiest place to hear and know the love of Jesus Christ by letting the community know that Jesus saves, heals, frees, and fills.

Jesus Saves

Jesus saves all who trust in Him from sin, self, and Satan.
Sin: All people have fallen short of God's holy standard in one way or another. When Jesus died and rose again, He died in our place so we could once again come to God.
Self: Even as believers in Jesus, our old ways of life still linger. Jesus lived a perfect life according to Holy Spirit's direction. As His followers, we are given the same Spirit who directs and transforms us to be like Jesus.
Satan: Death was Satan's main hold on humans, but Jesus conquered it! When Jesus ascended into heaven after His resurrection, He demonstrated that He had power over everything. Thus, we no longer live in fear of or bondage to Satan or his tactics.

Jesus Heals

Jesus earthly ministry involved bringing physical and emotional healing, which continues in His church today.
Physical: While doctors and medicine can bring healing and relief through the wisdom God has given,  Jesus is the Great Physician. Thus, as a church we regularly pray for healing from God and wisdom for the doctor's involved.
Emotional: Since we live in a fallen world, many people have emotional wounds. Jesus heals those by pouring love, peace, and joy on His people. Jesus values everyone, so we as a church seek to uplift and pray for each other.

Jesus Frees

Jesus frees us from addition and lies so we can grow closer to God and each other.
Addiction: Addiction encompasses anything that enslaves a person. This includes substance abuse, pornography, gossip, gluttony, and any other item or behavior that keeps a person from going deeper with Jesus. Jesus wants the best for us, so He sent Holy Spirit to convict our hearts of what in our lives is preventing us from having a full life in Jesus. Holy Spirit then gives us the strength to give up these things and behaviors and replace them with Godly things that bring true fulfilment.
Lies: As we live this life, many lies are often spoken over us by ourselves and others, bringing discouragement and handicapping our faith. Sometimes these lies even sound "spiritual." However, Jesus frees us from these lies by speaking truth and life over us. Jesus says we are loved, valued, and that He has plans for us.

Jesus Fills

Jesus fills us continuously with Holy Spirit to guide us in life and uplift the church.
Guidance: The Bible is the inspired Word of God, and as we read through it, Holy Spirit speaks to us. Holy Spirit teaches us how to discern right from wrong, how to apply the Bible to our lives, and how to enter into God's presence. Holy Spirit also guides us by nudging us to action or inaction in our daily lives. He also gives us words to speak or pray.
Uplifting: Holy Spirit gives every believer gifts for uplifting the church. These gifts are listed throughout the New Testament and include teaching, serving, giving, and more. As a church we also believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is evidenced by the initial speaking of tongues, which is primarily for encouraging the individual believer but can uplift the church if an interpretation is given.